Student Success Center (SSC)

The mission of the College of Engineering and Computer Science Student Success Center is to meet the evolving needs of our students by providing an array of services in an inclusive and safe environment. Our goal is to ensure that our students have a centralized area in the college to access information regarding individual academic, career, and personal development plans.

Contact Information

Location: CS-201
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm
Phone: (657) 278-3879

Virtual and in-person advising appointments and drop-in hours may vary.


Instructions for Accessing TitanNet & Scheduling an Appointment

  • Prepare for your advising meetings by utilizing the TitanNet Academic Planner to plan your courses (available for Fall 2020 catalog and beyond only).
  • If you are a non-Engineering and Computer Science (ECS) student interested in changing your major to Engineering or Computer Science, please meet with an ECS Advisor via their virtual drop-in hours. 

Services and Resources

  • Graduation Advising (Juniors & Seniors) - General Education and Major related
  • Academic Advising (Freshmen & Sophomores)
  • Live Graduation Check Workshops
  • Academic Success Workshops
  • Resume/ CV, Cover Letter, Jobs & Internships

Students can request appointments with Advisors in the ECS Student Success Center based on availability on the Navigate Student App. When checking for availability, please ensure you select “College of ECS, Student Success Center” as the location to select from one of the following staff members:

First time, First year (FTFY) & Sophomore Advisors

Crystal Arellano

Christina Bustos

Claudia Rosales

Virtual Drop-In Hours:

Beginning Monday, January 27

Monday | 9:00am - 10:00pm

Tuesday | 11:00am - 12:00pm

Wednesday | 3:30pm - 4:30pm

Thursday | 3:00pm - 4:00pm


Junior & Senior Computer Science Advisor

Maureen Lem (in training)

Virtual Drop-in Hours:


Junior & Senior Graduation Specialist

Elizabeth Gomez

Virtual Drop-in Hours:
Friday | 9am - 11am


crystal arellano

Freshman & Sophomore Advisor
Crystal Arellano
(657) 278-4392

Schedule an Appointment with Crystal Arellano

christina bustos

Freshman & Sophomore Advisor
Christina Bustos
(657) 278-4493

Schedule an Appointment with Christina Bustos

claudia rosales

Freshman & Sophomore Advisor
Claudia Rosales
(657) 278-5324

Schedule an Appointment with Claudia Rosales

juan moreno

Freshman & Sophomore Advisor
Juan Moreno
(657) 278-8706

Schedule an Appointment with Juan Moreno

liz gomez

ECS Graduation Specialist
Elizabeth Gomez
(657) 278-3212

Schedule an Appointment with Elizabeth Gomez

Maria Organista

Assistant Director of Academic Advising
Maria Organista
(657) 278-4110

Sandra Boulanger

ECS International Advisor
Sandra Boulanger

(657) 278-3119

Alignment with the University Strategic Plan

Goal 1: Develop and maintain a curricular and co-curricular environment that prepares students for participation in a global society and is responsive to workforce needs.

  • The ECS Student Success Center in collaboration with the Student Success Team will focus on streamlining and enhancing the advising experience for freshman and sophomore students. Our emphasis involves an advising system that focuses on the holistic development of ECS students.

Goal 2: Improve student persistence, increase graduation rates University wide, and narrow the achievement gap for underrepresented students.

  • The ECS Student Success Center provides preventative workshops to ensure students have progressed with completing graduation requirements. These workshops include the “Pre-Graduation Check Workshop” that is facilitated by the Graduation Specialist.